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Research Studies

Research Studies (1975 - 2012)

Although this institute was established in 1973; however, the first research paper was published in 1975. Over hundred types of researches, a few of them are listed below, have been conducted by this institute since then and several training programs and sessions have been organized alongside.

1. Short & Long Survey Programs
2. Factual & Analytical Studies
3. Evaluation Studies & Verification Works
4. Innovative Studies
5. The Development of Management Information & Evaluation System

Research Work (1997 - 2002)

Several research works had been conducted with the help of other institutions externally during 1996-97; which eventually escalated the overall research practices, and in this stint research practices were conducted on 11 more fields of studies. SIHFW had an opportunity to undertake its research programs in collaborations and associations with organizations like UNICEF, Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR), and The State Innovations in Family Planning Services Project Agency (SIFPSA), National Aids Control Organization (NACO) and Population Council etc.

SIFPSA sponsored for several evaluation studies in 1997-98 and more than 25 related evaluation studies have been conducted thus far on timely basis.

Comparatively substantial emphasis was given to the training programs within the institute. Since the research group was predominantly involved in the training programs and due to the shortage of research resources many significant research projects couldn’t practically been undertaken. Nevertheless, the key accomplishments of 1999-2002 are as per below:

1. Study related to the practices and the effectiveness of contract workers under 'Reproductive & Child Health Program' in Uttar Pradesh: the evaluation report released on September 13, 2001.
2. Monitoring & evaluation of the training programs under 'RCH Programme'.
3. Operation, training, monitoring and evaluation of the 'Child Development Project' through the CHART.
4. Workshop on 'Vitamin A Plus Campaign' organized in collaboration with the UNICEF.
5. Organization of workshop to review Rapid House Hold Survey.

Achievements (2003-2008)

Following research and evaluation studies were conducted by the Institute between 2003 and 2008:

1. Study of primary reasons for less attentiveness towards vasectomy in the state of Uttar Pradesh - NK Srivastava, KK Singh Visen, Mithilesh Kumar, Rajesh Sharda (SIHFW/RT/14, July 2004)

2. Evaluation of Primary Referral Units functioning under Reproductive and Child Health Program in Uttar Pradesh: A Report - Dr. Anup Kumar Saxena, Urmila Singh, Surya Kumar Pandey (SIHFW/RT/15 January, 2005)

3. Analytical study funded by Uttar Pradesh Health System Development Project for the demand, supply and consumption of the medicines in 2003-04 among 28 districts (SIHFW/RT/September 16, 2005)

4. Evaluation of the effects of Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act in the selected districts of Uttar Pradesh: Report - Suryakumar Pandey, Rajendra Pratap Singh, Dr. Anup Kumar Saxena (SIHFW/RT/17 September, 2006)

5. Under Training of Trainers (TOT) Programme, a research project was organized with the help of UNICEF in 17 districts of the state in 2007-08; 194 medical officers were provided with the training on the HIV AIDS under this project.

6. In the financial years of 2007-08 and 2008-09, the Research and Evaluation Unit of Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Society provided one-day training on HIV AIDS to over 2000 Anganwadi workers in 35 districts of the state; all Anganwadi workers could be provided with the training under this scheme resulting 100% completion of the set target. A reference book on the HIV AIDS was also published and made available for this training program additionally with the technical and financial support of UNICEF.

7.Under the National Rural Health Mission 'Rapid Appraisal of ASHA Scheme under NRHM in Uttar Pradesh' training program was conducted in Varanasi, Moradabad, Lucknow & Jalaun districts. The study report was published by the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi in the year 2008. The study was conducted under the 'Rapid Appraisal of Health Interventions' (RAHI) jointly funded by UNFPA and NIHFW.

Research Studies: Proposed & Conducted (2009-13)

1.Evaluation of the training works of the second phase of ASHA training was completed at the block level. Evaluation report has been provided to SPMU.

2.The updated status of training and finance under NRHM at 11 divisional training centers and 33 ANMTCs of the state was evaluated in September, 2009. The evaluation reports of 30 districts and 10 divisional training centers have been provided in this line of action.

3.The supervision of Block Level Training of Trainers (TOT) was undertaken at the divisional training centers under the fifth phase of ASHA training. At division level, the research team paid visits to the various training centers of Varanasi, Bareilly, Prayagraj, Kanpur, Agra, Jhansi, Ayodhya & Gorakhpur etc. in March 2010.

4.In February 2012, a fact-based study was conducted on the newly appointed medical officers of Uttar Pradesh Medical and Health Services, hinging upon the nonchalance towards their duties and migration tendencies; remedial suggestions were also put forth.

5.A rapid study was conducted under the National Rural Health Mission in Uttar Pradesh in March 2012, under which the collection of data related to the evaluation of functional primary referral units was still on.

6.A research study was proposed on the issues related to the effectiveness of Rogi Kalyan Samitis and their financial consumption in four districts of Uttar Pradesh in 2012-13.

7.Copies of all training programs and training achievements of the last 05 years are enclosed.